Plum Health Blog
Paul Thomas MD Presents at Grand Rounds at Wayne State
On February 15th, I had the honor of presenting at Grand Rounds at Wayne State University School of Medicine. Grand Rounds is a weekly presentation and an integral part of medical education. Clinical problems in medicine are discussed by focusing on current or interesting cases. Grand Rounds presentations can also be used to disseminate new research or interesting changes in the healthcare landscape.
For this Grand Rounds for the Internal Medicine Department at Wayne State University, I was asked to share my expertise regarding Direct Primary Care. This is a presentation that I have given in the past to the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians and at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine. I updated the presentation to include a clinical case, or a person in our practice who I helped by managing their diabetes and hypertension. The personal information is anonymized to protect their identity.
It was a tremendous honor to be invited by my alma mater to give a presentation of this magnitude, and I’m happy to share this information about Direct Primary Care. I believe that healthcare should be affordable and accessible for everyone, and we will need more doctors to adopt Direct Primary Care practices to meet this goal.
Thanks for reading and watching,
-Dr. Paul Thomas of Plum Health