Dr. Paul Thomas on My Dream Big Club Podcast

Last week, I had a great conversation with Seun Phillips of the My Dream Big Club Podcast.

Episode 6 Link:


Show notes:

Dr. Paul Thomas sits down to discuss:

-Health care issues head on by spreading his innovative Direct Primary Care model, which provides affordable and accessible health care services

-How insurance plans directly correlate to doctors starting their practices in affluent areas

-Done is BETTER than perfect. Spend your time being decisive in your decision making process to keep the momentum going. Make the decision and deal with the consequences later

-Visualizing your dreams and creating a system to help you focus on your goal, revisiting your system when you're down and continuously progressing forward

Paul Thomas MD of Plum Health DPC - Health Care_Who Cares_.png

Detroit Family Medicine Office Open During the Coronavirus Pandemic


Dr. Paul Thomas on Leading Questions